
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Poster for the spectacle: SUOR ANGELICA & GIANNI SCHICCHI
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Production in collaboration with the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music. Two one-act operas.
After the magnificent successes of "La Bohème," "Tosca," and "Madama Butterfly," Puccini once again showcased his talent in a brilliant operatic triptych, which included the outstanding musical farce "Gianni Schicchi" – one of Puccini's finest works – and "Suor Angelica." The entire triptych was premiered at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City, where it received immense acclaim. Critics unanimously noted that Puccini's artistry had deepened significantly since "Madama Butterfly," enriching his works with previously unseen values. While the composer's invention may not be as direct as in his earlier works, there is a clear effort to avoid facile effects and a significant deepening of musical expression (subtlety in instrumentation, exploration of new harmonic combinations, accuracy in musical characterization of characters and situations). "Suor Angelica" and "Gianni Schicchi" will appear on the opera stage in Łódź for the first time, which leads one to believe that these two one-act operas by Puccini will not only surprise audiences but also provide many wonderful musical experiences different from those to which the composer accustomed us in his well-known works.


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