
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Poster for the spectacle: FAMILY CONCERT SERIES: FAIRY MELODI'S ACADEMY - Music Genres
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Fairy Melodi is the guardian of music and the protector of musical compositions. She runs an Academy where she teaches about the world of fairies and music. In the first lessons at Fairy Melodi’s Academy, you will learn where fairies live, what they do, but most importantly, you will discover what happens when chaos sneaks into music and musical styles.
The story begins when mischievous children leave a terrible mess in Fairy Melodi’s workshop after playing. It turns out that melodies, especially musical styles, have completely mixed up. Will you help Fairy Melodi clean up this entire mess?
The concert is an excellent educational proposal prepared by the artists of the Grand Theatre in Łódź for budding music lovers.
We present musical styles by transforming well-known and beloved pieces from classical and popular music literature. The song "Let It Go" from the movie *Frozen* becomes an Italian opera aria, the finale of the overture to *William Tell* by Gioachino Rossini turns into a jazz piece, and the lullaby "Ach, śpij Kochanie" by Henryk Wars and Ludwik Starski becomes a highlander's song. In a light and accessible way for children, we convey musical knowledge (dynamics, articulation, tempo). Along the way, we teach respect for living beings and the importance of order not only in a room full of toys but also in the world of nature and music.
An exceptional feature of the concert is the instrumental ensemble consisting of a violin, piano, double bass, and percussion, giving the audience a chance to listen to and see them live.

Zone I
45/35 zł

Zone II
35/25 zł


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