
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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AVAILABLE SPACES: The Actor’s House of the Grand Theatre in Łódź has parking spaces available for rent.

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We sincerely apologize for this change.

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A conceptual meeting has been held to present the detailed vision for the new family opera titled "The Adventures of Pinocchio". 

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We sincerely apologize for this change.

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This Sunday, we invite you to watch the live broadcast of the second premiere performance of Puccini's La Bohème, starting at 6:30 PM on the "Door to Culture" portal!

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Join us on December 2nd for the scientific symposium *The Ecology of New Technologies in Dance and Choreography* (conducted in English and Polish)! The event will take place in the Theater VIP ...

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We invite you to participate in workshops exploring new technologies in dance and choreography (conducted in English) and a scientific symposium (conducted in English and Polish), taking place on ...

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Exciting news just in! Our production of *Paradise Lost* by Krzysztof Penderecki has been nominated for the prestigious **2025 International Classical Music Awards** in the **VIDEO OPERA** category!

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This Sunday, we invite you to watch the live broadcast of the "Evening of Polish Composers' Ballet," starting at 4:30 PM on the Drzwi do Kultury portal!


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