
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Poster for the spectacle: PARADISE LOST



Krzysztof Penderecki

Author of the libretto:
Christopher Fry (based on John Milton's poem)

Date of the premiere:

3 h 30 min (1 intermission)

musical director:
Rafał Janiak

 Michał Znaniecki

stage design:
Luigi Scoglio

Małgorzata Słoniowska

Grzegorz Pańtak

multimedia projection:
Karolina Jacewicz

Dawid Karolak

Choir preparation:
Rafał Wiecha

Children's and Youth Choir preparation:
Maciej Salski

assistant directors:
Adam Grabarczyk, Waldemar Stańczuk

stage managers:
 Karolina Filus, Ewa Gąsiewska

Sacra rappresentazione in two acts. Sung parts in English, spoken parts in Polish.
I believe that development is not just about moving forward; sometimes you have to think, take those two steps back to move forward.
Krzysztof Penderecki

There is an exceptional challenge before us, this time the Lodz Grand Theatre presents Paradise Lost - Krzysztof Penderecki's  unique  opera based on John Milton's poem, in which  biblical themes find their references in reality in a very clear way. This outstanding work of  Maestro Penderecki has never been hosted on the stages of Lodz, so there is an opportunity to realize the performance, taking full advantage of the technical and artistic capabilities of  the Lodz Grand Theatre, in a way that will delight, enchant and inspire the audience of Lodz  and the entire Lodz region or perhaps even Poland. We hope that this opera will stay in the repertoire of the Theatre for a long time and will convey profound emotions to the next generations of our audience. This musical and vocal piece will be our tribute to the Master on the 90th anniversary of his birth, but also proof that the music of the Great is great and timeless!

This undoubtedly magnificent opera spectacle will be introduced to us thanks to the professionalism and scenic imagination of Michal Znaniecki (direction), Luigi Scoglio (stage design) and Rafal Janiak (music direction), who are already well known to Lodz music lovers. 

We would like to inform you about the availability of a recording of the performance in DVD format. The recording is available in the online store DUX PENDERECKI • RAJ UTRACONY • TEATR WIELKI W ŁODZI, JANIAK, ZNANIECKI. DVD - Serious Music. (dux.pl), as well as with ticket sellers at Teatr Wielki in Łódź during performances. The recording is also available online on the VOD Drzwi do kultury platform.


Soloists, Choir, Children's and Youth Choir, Ballet, Orchestra of the Grand Theatre in Łódź

Fot. Joanna Miklaszewska


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