
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Poster for the spectacle: DER ZIGEUNERBARON



Johann Strauss

Author of the libretto:
Ignaz Schnitzer based on the novel "Sàffi" by Mór Jókai

Date of the premiere:

3 h 15 min (2 intermissions)

Musical Direction:
Bassem Akiki

Direction and Set Design:
Tomasz Konina

Joanna Jaśko-Sroka

Monika Myśliwiec

Lighting Effects Direction:
Dariusz Pawelec

Directorial Collaboration:
Zofia Dowjat

Choir Preparation:
Dawid Jarząb / Maciej Salski

Operetta in three acts. The performance is in Polish with Polish subtitles.
THE GYPSY BARON is one of the most famous operettas and, at the same time, the greatest success of its composer. During the premiere, the audience's enthusiasm was so enormous that almost the entire performance was played again as an encore. Strauss composed music full of lightness and charm. Driven by the desire to write a true opera, he based it on elaborate vocal parts. The action is set in spectacular scenes, where the exoticism of Gypsy folklore intertwines with the splendor of Viennese salons. Director Tomasz Konina, in line with Strauss's ambitions, created a production with great splendor. He interpreted the libretto in such an unconventional way that the adventures of the characters, alongside excellent entertainment, provide the audience with many reasons for reflection. The plot was transferred from the 18th century to the interwar period, and in addition to the Gypsy camp and a chest full of treasures, a provincial circus and a cabaret reminiscent of a Bob Fosse film appeared. "In the lively, crazy show" - wrote the director - "you can feel the atmosphere of danger and the approaching World War II, where each of the characters will have to find themselves and determine their place."

Soloists, Choir, Children's and Youth Choir, Ballet, and Orchestra of the Grand Theatre in Łódź

fot. Joanna Miklaszewska


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