Educational Events

Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Educational Events

Poster for the spectacle: SUNDAY MORNINGS: HAKUNA MATATA
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Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase; Hakuna Matata, it’s not a craze! No worries for the rest of your days! Learn these two joyous words – HAKUNA MATATA!
The famous hit from the equally famous film not just for kids - The Lion King - is the motto of our hit "Hakuna Matata" as part of the family concert series Sunday Mornings. Don't worry, or as some might say, No worries - is the best encouragement to enjoy musical and vocal relaxation accompanied by global hits from well-known films for children and beyond. It will be fun and witty, at times slightly moralizing, but definitely entertaining and stress-relieving – just as a Sunday morning should be!
Our theater ensemble Kameralni, consisting of Aleksandra Borkiewicz-Cłapińska, Dagny Konopacka-Maćkowiak, Ewelina Dachowska, Olga Maroszek, Michał Jan Barański, Jan Szurgot, Jan Okraska, and Marcin Werner at the piano, will surely provide you with a wealth of artistic impressions. Just because the pieces are dedicated to children doesn’t mean that older generations won’t find something for themselves, reminiscing about the beautiful moments from their own lives. Whether the journey ends with movie hits or not, you’ll have to find out for yourself, as our Kameralni have many surprising vocal and musical “numbers” up their sleeves, often interpreted in ways that stray from the beaten path. Join us, because a pleasant morning, especially a Sunday morning, is a good start to the day. Let’s find out together…

Zone I
45/35 zł

Zone II
35/25 zł

Aleksandra Borkiewicz-Cłapińska

Ewelina Dachowska

Dagny Konopacka-Maćkowiak

Olga Maroszek

Michal Jan Barański

Jan Okraska

Jan Szurgot

Marcin Werner

fot. Joanna Miklaszewska


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