Educational Events

Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Educational Events

Poster for the spectacle: SUNDAY MORNINGS: ORCHESTRAL ABC - Percussion Instruments
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The symphony orchestra is the most advanced musical machine ever created by humans. There is no other construct with such a wealth of timbres and sounds, creating a full palette of moods and emotions. It is a vast ensemble where nearly a hundred people start playing at exactly the same moment, synchronously slowing down and speeding up. Despite its size, it offers considerable interpretative freedom and can sound completely different depending on the conductor and their vision. How is this possible? Who ensures that the orchestra sounds pure? Can it perform without a conductor?
You will find answers to these and other questions at our educational concerts titled *Orchestral ABC*, part of the *Sunday Mornings* series. We will explain the instruments, demonstrate their various solo and ensemble sounds, and share interesting facts about working in such a large group. This is a unique opportunity to see and hear instruments that are usually hidden in the orchestra, as well as to talk with the artists who make up the Grand Theatre Orchestra in Łódź.
Castanets, cajón, bongos, djembe, gong, gran cassa, hi-hat, flexatone, claves, agogô, timpani, rain stick, congas, cowbell, maracas, triangle, tambourine, snare drum, glockenspiel, jingles, and bells are just some of the instruments belonging to the largest and most diverse group: the percussion instruments. There are also several types of drumsticks. Which of these instruments can be found in an opera orchestra, and which on a pop stage? What are the differences between the vibraphone, marimba, and xylophone? Can melodic lines be played on percussion instruments? You will find the answers to these and many more questions at our sixth and final concert in the *Orchestral ABC* series.

Zone I
35/30 zł


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