

Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Premiere Memberships still available!

data dodania:
We are halfway through selling premiere memberships. Everyone eager to take part in such a splendid event as a theatre premiere should visit Ticket Office & Customer Care as rapidly as possible and get yourself a chance to enhance his cultural experience.
All the information you can find on our website or by calling at 42 633 31 86. You can also purchase the membership by phone.

Premiere membership for 2019

zone I 1040 PLN for 2 800 PLN for 2
520 PLN for 1 400 PLN for 1
zone II 880 PLN for 2 640 PLN for 2
440 PLN for 1 320 PLN for 1

Memberships for PREMIERE I are valid for the following performances:
  1.     THE MAN FROM MANUFAKTURA / 02.02.2019
  2.     SAMSON I DALILA / 30.03.2019
  3.     CISZA/SILENCE / 11.05.2019
  4.     VIVA LA MAMMA / 23.11.2019

Memberships for PREMIERE II are valid for the following performances:
  1.     THE MAN FROM MANUFAKTURA / 03.02.2019
  2.     SAMSON I DALILA / 31.03.2019
  3.     CISZA/SILENCE / 12.05.2019
  4.     VIVA LA MAMMA / 24.11.2019


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