
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Holidays and vacations are in full swing, and we are already preparing for the 2024/25 artistic season.
We present the poster for the first scheduled premiere (October 12, 2024) at the Grand Theatre in Łódź, GISELLE by Adolphe Charles Adam (choreographed by Zofia Rudnicka based on the original by Jules Perrot and Jean Coralli). This is the quintessential "ballet with a plot" from the Romantic period that has remained in the world repertoire to this day.
The libretto, written by Jules-Henri Vernoy de Saint-Georges and Théophile Gautier, is based on the legend from the Hercynian mountains about the spirits of young girls who died before marriage and lure young men to dance with them. The theme, portraying a tale of unhappy love, aligns perfectly with the ideals of Romanticism.
The dramaturgy of the ballet highlights the titular role, which requires not only acting skills but also a deep understanding of the Romantic ballet style. This title is performed by all the world's greatest theaters, and each of the best ballerinas aspires to have it in her repertoire.
This will be the third premiere of this title in our Theatre, with previous ones held in 1979, choreographed by Jarosław Piasecki, and in 2003, choreographed by Robert Streiner.
We hope that this long-awaited classic piece, performed by the Ballet Lodz Artists and the Grand Theatre Orchestra in Łódź, under the musical direction of Andriy Yurkevych, will attract significant interest from the audience.
The poster was designed by Tatiana Kwiatkowska.


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