

Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Photo session for opera singers

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"I haven’t seen something like this since I’ve been cooperating with Lodz Grand Theatre! And I have known this theatre for 30 years now," admitted Leszek Bonar, TVP Łódź journalist. It is hardly surprising, when you can meet Marilyn Monroe (Patrycja Krzeszowska), Liza Minnelli (Agnieszka Makówka) and Celine Dion (Dorota Wójcik) strolling through the backstage. Even demonic characters were there – Olga Maroszek presented herself in a grim make-up. The soloists were free to choose the characters they desired to impersonate – Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings (Grzegorz Szostak), Jake from the iconic film Blues Brothers (Łukasz Motkowicz), Henry VIII of England (Patryk Rymanowski) and the frightening clown from Stephen King’s novel It (Przemysław Rezner). Please be patient to see the final effect. Meanwhile, just enjoy the pictures from the backstage.


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