

Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Accessibility Declaration

The Grand Theatre in Lodz undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website in accordance with the provisions of the Act of April 4, 2019, on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities.
The accessibility statement applies to the website www.operalodz.com of the Grand Theatre in Łódź.
Website publication date: April 9, 2015
Date of the last significant update: March 3, 2023 (date for editing during publication)
The website www.operalodz.com is partially compliant with the Act of April 4, 2019, on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities due to the non-conformities or exclusions listed below:
Lack of subtitles for multimedia materials
Lack of audio descriptions for the hearing impaired in multimedia materials
The statement was prepared on: March 11, 2023
The declaration was made based on a self-assessment conducted by the public entity. The level of digital accessibility was checked at the basic level, according to the checklist for independent testing of the digital accessibility of the website available on government websites www.gov.pl/web/dostepnosc-cyfrowa/jak-zbadac-czy-strona-www-jest-dostepna-cyfrowoStandard keyboard shortcuts can be used on the website.

Feedback and contact information
In case of accessibility issues, please contact Małgorzata Kazimierska, email address: europejskie@teatr-wielki.lodz.pl
You can also contact us by phone at: 42 6472008. The same method can be used to submit requests for making unavailable information accessible.
Information about the procedure
Everyone has the right to request the provision of digital accessibility of a website, mobile application, or its element. You can also request the provision of information through an alternative means of access, such as reading a digitally unavailable document, describing the content of a video without audio description, etc. The request should include the data of the person making the request, indicate which website or mobile application it concerns, and provide contact information. If the person making the request states the need to receive information through an alternative means of access, they should also specify a convenient way for them to present this information. The public entity should fulfill the request immediately, no later than 7 days from the date of the request. If meeting this deadline is not possible, the public entity immediately informs the requester when the request will be possible, with the deadline not exceeding 2 months from the date of the request. If providing digital accessibility is not possible, the public entity may propose an alternative way of accessing the information. In the event that the public entity refuses to fulfill the request for digital accessibility or an alternative means of accessing the information, the requester may file a complaint regarding the provision of digital accessibility of the website, mobile application, or element of the website or mobile application. After exhausting the above procedure, you can also submit an application to the Ombudsman for Citizens' Rights - www.bip.brpo.gov.pl
Architectural Accessibility
Grand Theatre in Lodz
Dąbrowskiego Square
90-249 Łódź
The building can be entered through:
  • the main entrance from the southern side of Dąbrowskiego Square;
  • the service entrance from Jaracza Street;
A ramp for wheelchair users is located on the eastern side of Dąbrowskiego Square and leads to the main entrance.
The Grand Theatre in Łódź does not have parking spaces. There is a municipal parking lot with spaces for people with disabilities near the opera building. From the nearest parking space located at Dąbrowskiego Square (from the side of the Regional Court in Łódź) to the main entrance, the distance is approximately 45 meters (to the ramp - about 50 meters).
The entrance doors are transparent and not contrastingly marked; they open outward. The width of the entrance opening is 90 centimeters. The Theatre has toilets adapted to the needs of wheelchair users at the Chamber Stage (level 0), cloakroom (level 1), foyer and audience of the main stage (level 2), balcony (level 3).
The opera building is equipped with a lift adapted for people with mobility impairments, as well as for the blind and visually impaired. The elevator has markings in Braille and an intercom.
There are no induction loops, Braille alphabet markings, or high-contrast or enlarged print markings for the blind and visually impaired in the Theatre building. Using a sign language interpreter requires prior arrangement. Access is allowed with assistance and guide dogs.
Theatre staff provide assistance to people with special needs in navigating the Theatre. Due to technical specifications and safety, wheelchair spaces are designated in the area between the ground floor and the amphitheater. Reservations for seats can be made by phone at the Audience Service Office at least 3 days before the performance. To ensure the best possible service during the performance, please contact the Audience Service Office at +48 42 633 31 86 or by email at: widz@teatr-wielki.lodz.pl, during office hours, i.e., 8:00-16:00.


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