

Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Gaetano Donizetti

Author of the libretto:
Felice Romani

Date of the premiere:

Musical direction:
Rafał Janiak

Direction and choreography:
Wojciech Adamczyk

Maria Balcerek

Set design:
Marek Chowaniec

Gaetano Donizetti's "L'elisir d'amore," or "The Elixir of Love," is a work that brought the composer fame throughout Europe. The fact that in just a few years after its premiere it was already being performed in most of the opera houses of the time speaks volumes about how much the opera was liked by the public. The success of this Italian gem of comic opera stemmed from its moodiness, the subtlety of its libretto, and the freshness of its music. Donizetti provides artists with opportunities to shine with virtuosic passages; each character presents themselves vividly and clearly. However, as befitting an opera buffa, there is no shortage of purely comedic scenes that provoke bursts of laughter. The masterpiece created by Gaetano Donizetti will be directed by Wojciech Adamczyk, with Rafał Janiak at the conductor's podium, costumes by Maria Balcerek, and set design by Marek Chowaniec. Such a team of creators guarantees a well-thought-out performance prepared with passion and humor.
Nemorino, the main character of "The Elixir of Love," is Maestro Pavarotti's favorite role, and Nemorino's aria "Una furtiva lagrima" is one of the most famous opera arias in the entire history of the genre. It seems, therefore, that the new production of this opera in our theater will not need a "love potion" to fall in love with it, just like the main characters of this story.
Soloists, Choir, Ballet i Orchestra of the Grand Theatre in Łódź

Rafał Janiak (22.03.2025, 23.03.2025, 25.03.2025), Daniel Mieczkowski (21.06.2025, 22.06.2025)



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