
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Poster for the spectacle: HALKA
Composer: Stanisław Moniuszko
While Fryderyk Chopin gained great recognition in France as a cultural ambassador of an oppressed nation, his younger contemporary, Stanisław Moniuszko, worked in the cultural field in his own homeland. Like Chopin, Moniuszko combined Western European romanticism with the spirit of Polish culture in his works. HALKA is undoubtedly an example of a successful fusion of Italian, French, and German opera traits with elements typical of ...

Poster for the spectacle: HANSEL AND GRETEL
Composer: Engelbert Humperdinck
This time, we are planning the preparation of a performance for which it would be difficult to define the age limit of its audience. Difficult, because such a boundary does not exist, and that's because "Hansel and Gretel," the opera fairytale - as the composer himself called his work - is for everyone: for those to whom we tell beautiful bedtime stories, for those who can read independently, but also for adults who, just like children, ...

Poster for the spectacle: IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA
Composer: Gioacchino Rossini
A musical tale about the ubiquitous and all-powerful "barber" named Figaro emerged from the compositional pen of Gioacchino Rossini - the undisputed master of Italian opera buffa. It's no wonder that it has been entertaining audiences worldwide for almost 200 years, and the character of "the king of life" - Figaro, has become one of the most popular figures in opera (also thanks to W.A. Mozart - The Marriage of Figaro). The Barber of Seville ...

Poster for the spectacle: L’ELISIR D'AMORE
Composer: Gaetano Donizetti
Gaetano Donizetti's "L'elisir d'amore," or "The Elixir of Love," is a work that brought the composer fame throughout Europe. The fact that in just a few years after its premiere it was already being performed in most of the opera houses of the time speaks volumes about how much the opera was liked by the public. The success of this Italian gem of comic opera stemmed from its moodiness, the subtlety of its libretto, and the freshness of its ...

Poster for the spectacle: LA BOHEME
Composer: Giacomo Puccini
"La Boheme" graced the stage of the Grand Theatre in Łódź three times – most recently in 2007, in a remarkable production by Laco Adamik. This incredibly popular opera by Giacomo Puccini – second only to "Turandot" – is one of the most frequently performed works on opera stages worldwide, not only due to its spectacular music but also because of its poignant plot. Its characters – colorful representatives of the artistic bohemia – ...

Poster for the spectacle: LA TRAVIATA
Composer: Giuseppe Verdi
La Traviata, with a libretto by Francesco Piave based on Alexandre Dumas’s The Lady of the Camellias, was not received well during its first premiere at Teatro La Fenice in Venice in 1853. The bourgeois audience could not accept the fact that the plot of the opera is set in modern times and that the main character is a courtesan! History has proven that they were wrong: today, the opera is one of the most frequently performed ones. By ...

Poster for the spectacle: LE NOZZE DI FIGARO
Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
CRAZY DAY WITH FIGARO It's hard to compare the musical genius of character portrayal, the mastery of ensembles, the accuracy of comedic solutions, and the content of the musical-theatrical progress creating an atmosphere of effervescent joy, moving beauty, diverse moods, and a sense of all-encompassing happiness with anything else. In the words of Sławomir Pietras, we invite you to meet Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Marriage of ...

Poster for the spectacle: NABUCCO
Composer: Giuseppe Verdi
Verdi was close to abandoning his career as an opera composer after the moderate success of "Oberto" and the failure of "The King's Day." Everything changed in 1841 when the manager of La Scala presented him with a libretto about the tribulations of King Nebuchadnezzar and the beginnings of the Babylonian captivity of the Jews. "Nabucco" had almost eighty performances in less than a year and secured a permanent place in the repertoire of ...

Poster for the spectacle: PARADISE LOST
Composer: Krzysztof Penderecki
I believe that development is not just about moving forward; sometimes you have to think, take those two steps back to move forward. Krzysztof Penderecki There is an exceptional challenge before us, this time the Lodz Grand Theatre presents Paradise Lost - Krzysztof Penderecki's  unique  opera based on John Milton's poem, in which  biblical themes find their references in reality in a very clear way. This ...



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