
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Poster for the spectacle: BOLERO / CARMINA BURANA
Choreography: Jacek Przybyłowicz, Tamás Juronics
Composer: Maurice Ravel, Carl Orff
The combination of works by two magnificent composers in one evening is already an extraordinary event! Bringing together Maurice Ravel's "Bolero" with Carl Orff's beloved cantata "Carmina Burana" in a two-part ballet evening guarantees intense emotions. And the fact that these compositions can be "seen" as well as heard promises unforgettable artistic experiences and spiritual sensations.   Choreographers: Jacek Przybyłowicz - ...

Poster for the spectacle: CINDERELLA
Composer: Gioacchino Rossini
Although there are allegedly 700 versions of the Cinderella fairy tale, the story itself probably needs no explanation. It always features a mistreated orphan, a kind fairy, a handsome and lovestruck prince, and, above all, a lost slipper that will fit only one foot and eventually aid in identifying the mysterious beauty.   The dance tale of reward for humility and punishment for pride has seen many choreographic ...

Poster for the spectacle: DON QUIXOTE
Choreography: Aleksander Polubentsev with the use of choreography by Marius Petipa and Alexander Gorsky.
Composer: Ludwig A. Minkus
The choreographic adaptation of the Don Quixote story, directly derived from Miguel de Cervantes's work, was performed as a court ballet titled DON QUICHOTTE at the Louvre as early as 1614. Over the next 400 years, dozens of works incorporating the motif of the misguided knight were created. However, it was the ballet choreographed by the legendary Marius Petipa, with music by Ludwig A. Minkus (1869), that permanently entered the ...

Poster for the spectacle: GISELLE
Choreography: Zofia Rudnicka
Composer: Adolphe Adam
"Giselle" is the most typical "action ballet" of the Romantic period that has survived in the global repertoire to this day. The libretto, written by Jules-Henri Vernoy de Saint-Georges and Théophile Gautier, is based on the legend of the young girls' ghosts from the Herculean mountains who died before their wedding and seduced young men with their dance. The theme, depicting the story of unhappy love, corresponds to the ideals of Romanticism. ...

Poster for the spectacle: LAMAILA
Choreography: Andrzej Morawiec
Composer: Maciej Pawłowski
The libretto of this magical dance spectacle was written by Liwia Pawłowska, while the music was composed by Maciej Pawłowski. The story revolves around events taking place in the Land of Day and Night, where the main character, Princess of the Day - the titular Lamaila - is suddenly awakened in the middle of the night by a funny creature living in the depths of the swamp - Mr. Gulgacz. Lamaila, thanks to the full moon... falls in love ...

Poster for the spectacle: PROMISED LAND
Composer: Franz von Suppé and Michael Nyman
A New Zealand choreographer tells the story of Łódź through dance! Gray Veredon, enchanted by the city, Andrzej Wajda's film, and the Nobel laureate Reymont's novel, has created a unique and unparalleled ballet. Images of old Łódź, the lives of its inhabitants, and the fates of novel characters intertwine in rhythm set by factory machines, emphasizing the originality of the "city of spindles" atmosphere. It's an incredibly original ...

Poster for the spectacle: ROMEO & JULIET
Choreography: Sasha Waltz
Composer: Hector Berlioz
Creating the choreography for Romeo and Juliet (2007), Sasha Waltz turned to one of the most poignant love stories in world literature. The tale of star-crossed lovers, whose families are enemies, and whose deaths bring understanding and reconciliation, is one of Shakespeare's most famous works. This dark tragedy inspired Hector Berlioz to compose the dramatic symphony Romeo and Juliet for three soloists, two large choruses, and orchestra. ...

Poster for the spectacle: SEA
Choreography: Robert Bondara
A new original performance in the dramaturgical and choreographic concept by one of the most esteemed Polish dance artists, Robert Bondar. The musical layer will feature, among others, Debussy's "La Mer" and Benjamin Britten's "Four Sea Interludes" from the opera "Peter Grimes". These compositions offer excellent opportunities to explore the various facets of the sea, which will also allow nature to narrate emotional states to us.

Poster for the spectacle: SNOW WHITE
Composer: Bogdan Pawłowski
SNOW WHITE with music by Bogdan Pawłowski premiered at the Grand Theatre in Łódź in 1970 and, although it immediately received tremendous applause from the audience, no one expected that it would break all records and remain on stage for almost half a century! To this day, it has had around 40 premieres on four continents and brought immense popularity to the author, as well as unwavering affection from young viewers. Successive ...



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