

Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Poster for the spectacle: PROMISED LAND



Franz von Suppé and Michael Nyman

Author of the libretto:
Gray Veredon inspired by the novel by Władysław Reymont and the film by Andrzej Wajda

Date of the premiere:

2 h 15 min (1 intermission)

Staging, choreography, musical arrangement:
Gray Veredon

Set design:
Irena Biegańska

Reissue author (28.01.2009):
Anna Krzyśków

Musical direction:
Tadeusz Kozłowski

Video film director:
Jarosław Marszewski

Assistant choreographers:
Edyta Wasłowska, Beata Brożek-Grabarczyk

Stage manager:
Mariusz Caban

Ballet in two acts. Music from recording.
A New Zealand choreographer tells the story of Łódź through dance! Gray Veredon, enchanted by the city, Andrzej Wajda's film, and the Nobel laureate Reymont's novel, has created a unique and unparalleled ballet. Images of old Łódź, the lives of its inhabitants, and the fates of novel characters intertwine in rhythm set by factory machines, emphasizing the originality of the "city of spindles" atmosphere. It's an incredibly original theatrical spectacle where one cannot help but feel the rhythm pulsating with the life of the industrial city, palace opulence, and the dramas of ordinary people.
Veredon remained faithful to Reymont. He retained the most important themes of the novel. We learn about Anka's story, unhappily in love with Karol, his affair with Lucy Zucker, and the intrigues of competitors, including the crude Müller. However, the main character of the spectacle remains the city itself, and above all, the nameless creators of its power: weavers, dyers, and workers of Łódź. Gray Veredon's "The Promised Land" is a deeply moving spectacle devoted to the cultural identity of Łódź.


Soloists, Coryphées, Corps de Ballet of the Grand Theatre in Łódź

fot. Joanna Miklaszewska



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