
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Poster for the spectacle: DER ZIGEUNERBARON
Composer: Johann Strauss
THE GYPSY BARON is one of the most famous operettas and, at the same time, the greatest success of its composer. During the premiere, the audience's enthusiasm was so enormous that almost the entire performance was played again as an encore. Strauss composed music full of lightness and charm. Driven by the desire to write a true opera, he based it on elaborate vocal parts. The action is set in spectacular scenes, where the exoticism of ...

Poster for the spectacle: DIE FLEDERMAUS
Composer: Johann Strauss II
"The Revenge of the Bat" is not just any operetta; it is indeed the masterpiece of this genre. With these words, Felix Weingartner, the Austrian conductor, composer, and pianist from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, as well as a great connoisseur of operettas, described Johann Strauss II's work. Adding to these words the authority of Gustav Mahler, who personally conducted "The Revenge of the Bat," providing an immortal ...

Poster for the spectacle: EINE NACHT IN VENEDIG
Composer: Johann Strauss
It is difficult to seek sense, logic, or rationality in operetta; after all, that is not its purpose. The same applies to NIGHT IN VENICE; the intricacies of the libretto create improbable and surprising situations, along with often irrational reactions of the characters, bringing humor and entertainment. This classic operetta by the Viennese composer forms, along with THE BAT and THE GYPSY BARON, a masterful trio of the genre. One ...



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