
Educational Events

Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Educational Events

Poster for the spectacle: SUNDAY MORNINGS: BALLET LESSON
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Anyone who has ever seen the ballet *Swan Lake* has likely wondered whether dancing on pointe is difficult and how long it takes to learn the choreography. When watching the best ballet performances, it seems as if the dance comes to the artists effortlessly and gracefully. We often don't realize the amount of effort and emotion that goes into achieving such a result. 
A ballet lesson is a unique opportunity to answer these questions and experience firsthand whether you can perform the basic positions of classical dance. All you need are ballet shoes, comfortable sportswear, and a bit of childlike curiosity. The lesson takes place in the ballet studio of the Grand Theatre in Łódź, where our artists practice daily. Participants will have the chance to stand at the barre and, under the guidance of our soloists, feel like members of the Łódź Opera ballet company. A fantastic pair of dancers will also perform a demonstration dance for you. We warmly invite both young and adult dance enthusiasts to join us.

Zone I
35/30 zł



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