
Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego
Województwo Łódzkie - Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Łódzkiego

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Schedule of the Lodz Ballet Festival

data dodania:
Today we begin the XXVII Lodz Ballet Meetings, the oldest and largest Polish ballet festival.
We have ahead of us five exciting weeks, which will bring us as many as six performances. The festival will be inaugurated by guests from the Lyon Opera Ballet. In their performance, we will see two spectacles: "Beach Birds" and "BIPED". Both spectacles are choreographed by Merce Cunningham, with the first spectacle featuring music by John Cage and the second by Gavin Bryars. These are two different stories connected by a specific approach that blends rhythm and imagery into one.

The next festival weekend on May 11th and 12th will be a meeting with the most famous tragic love story from Verona - "Romeo and Juliet" by Hector Berlioz. The choreography for the spectacle was created by Sasha Waltz, an outstanding dancer and choreographer of international fame. In her interpretation, classical dance intertwines with contemporary dance, creating original formations and group scenes. "Romeo and Juliet" is a premiere at the Grand Theatre in Lodz, taking place as part of the festival. The musical direction is led by Rafał Janiak.

In mid-May (16th and 17th), Italian dancers from the Aterbaletto company will appear on our stage. In their performance, we will see two spectacles: "Secus" and "Yeled".

The powerful conclusion of the Lodz Ballet Meetings will be the spectacle "OCD LOVE" by the French group L-E-V Dance Company. It's a shocking story about love that constantly feels lacking, or about lovers in a state of perpetual longing.


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